This isn’t the first time I have spoken about his subject, but every now again I come across a spate of companies who need help with their marketing just because of this reason, and it reminds me of what a valuable lesson it is to learn!
Are you committing this marketing sin?
All I need to say to you is ‘Features V Benefits’…
Ah, the wise amongst you say, how could I forget the importance of this distinction?
Here’s how – some of you will have got busy, some of you will have forgotten who is most important to you and some of you may not have realised that you have slipped into the trap.
So, what is the difference?
A FEATURE gives information about a product or service. It tells you what it is or delivers in a matter of fact way.
- It is blue
- We create copy
- I design websites
- It works via Bluetooth
- It comes in 4 sizes
All very important to know, if you know what you are looking for and you are searching for the features of something to compare with another.
It doesn’t tell me why these features are important to me. It doesn’t answer the question: ‘What’s in it for me?’ And really, that is what people forget.
You may know as a specialist that the most important and best product within the range you are seeking is blue, and comes in three sizes. I, on the other hand, want to know that blue is the latest colour within the newly launched range and denotes it is fully compatible with the product I already have and wish to augment. As there are three sizes I can choose which best suits me and my pocket.
I want to know the BENEFITS!
So, the list above needs also to be given as benefits.. EG:
- The item comes in an attractive sky blue which is today’s must-have colour for the under 20’s
- If you would like a powerful website which engages with your future customer, bringing in more business, then excellent SEO inclusive copy is a must. We have long recognised this and ensure that copy we create for you will fulfil this vital need.
- Many companies design website, and the choice is huge and that in itself can be a confusing minefield. Our websites will give you an excellent platform from which to build your business. They will be mobile friendly, easily edited so your copy is fresh and inviting to the search engines AND will link with your social media to maximise your reach.
- Your phone will be able to link to the radio via Bluetooth within your car, ensuring that your clients have easy access to you and you drive safely and carefully, meeting legal requirements.
- One size clearly doesn’t fit all in every instance, so we have created this range in 4 different sizes so you can have the product that best suits you and your pocket.
See the difference? It takes more effort but you make it easier for people to understand why it is important to them.
What are the benefits of having/using/buying from you?
Over to you .. Of course if you need any help – we are just a phone call, email, tweet or message away 🙂