The answer is both!
Once again I find myself climbing on that soap box and I feel I should apologise in advance!
Earlier this month I picked up a thread on LinkedIn that asked whether digital marketing had finally become mainstream. Had it finally come under the banner of ‘Marketing’ and if so, how could it work? I held my breath and counted to 10 before wading in (very disciplined!)
I was polite and logically penned my answer.
The question was being asked by someone who believed that digital should forever sit apart – possibly because they had the word ‘digital’ in their title! (Yes, I know I am being a little bit naughty now.)
In truth, the important word in all of this is ‘marketing,’ coupled closely with ‘strategy’. Digital is just another channel, AKA another way of getting your message out there and it should be considered as part of the whole marketing mix. If your message is not consistent, or authentic, it doesn’t matter where or how you put it out – it won’t be effective.
The world of marketing has changed drastically over the last 10 years and digital communications have been largely responsible for this. So, now more than ever, it is vital to bring the various marketing streams together because (*dusting off the crystal ball*), it will all shift again! If we are all concentrating on little bites of the cherry we will never see when we are down to the stone.
So, my tip this month is to look long and hard at your marketing. Make sure you haven’t fragmented it and that you really are looking at the impact of all of it. Don’t use your gut; look at the figures. Take a helicopter view of your business, use appropriate methods to go to your market and choose with knowledge, not just because it is the latest buzz and you are told you MUST.